I thought this past weekend was going to be devoid of fishing, but a last minute invitation to tag along with some guys from my fly tying group, put me on some prime urban water. This particular area is pretty cool and is made up of 19 or 20 small urban ponds that are full of bass, sunnies, grass carp, and koi. After a little research, we headed over and put in a couple of hours on the water.

The fishing was slow and we blamed it on our recent downpour. I picked up a small bass on a green simi-seal bugger which made me happier than if I had not caught anything. All day I had been throwing different bugs at the big carp that were feeding on the bottom and tailing in the shallows. On the walk back to the truck. I finally put a very nice presentation with the same green bugger right in front of a tailing carp. He fed right over my fly and I lifted my fly rod to find a heavy, but swimming dead weight on the other end. It was short lived as I did not have a great hook-set, and the fish swam slowly away leaving my heart pounding and mouth dry. I think I finally realize what all those brownliners are after…

I chased carp last summer and couldn’t get a result, but I can see the draw, 30lbs of freshwater fury brought in by a fly rod? I’m hoping this summer when the trout bite is off, or my time is limited I can finally bring one to hand.
I’m in the same boat Bruce. I see the appeal but never have brought one in either. My next couple weekends are probably going to keep me in town so I’m going to head back over there and try again. Good luck to you…and me…
Dustin and I have talked about hitting up some carp water in Denver; we’ve chatted with a few folks about where to go and what flies work well. Carp are fun on a spin cast, so I can only imagine what they would do to me on a fly rod!
I’m looking forward to hearing the sound of line coming off the reel. We’ll see how it goes. Thanks for the encouragement.
Hey Ben. David McKenzie over at Bay Area Backwaters has a fly he uses on carp. Here’s the link so you can take a look.
He says it’s not pretty, but it works. I also saw a bread dough fly somewhere, but can’t remember where. It’s a white fluffy thing that catches carp.
Great looking fly. I’m going to have to tie some of them up. Thank you for the link Mark. I’m going to have to find a doughball fly as well. I’ve heard those are killer. Thanks again.
okay. I saw all those fly fishers out there that weekend. it was like a casting convention. I may have seen you fishing over by the boat ramp on the pond near encanto. my buddy steve and I were fishing the corner hole. bigass bass were cruising through a large pod of koi. I couldn’t distract them at all they were intent on something…I did pick up a little guy and missed two others up by the boat ramp. it was a fun afternoon and beautiful day.
I could have sworn that was you. I saw you and the other guy fishing over there and actually I picked up one there by the boat ramp as well. I walked by you and almost introduced myself but wondered if it was really you. Next time I head out over that way, I’ll give you a shout. Great group of ponds you have over there. Next time.