I decided to take some time out of the fishing and fly tying to again highlight one of my main support pillars here at Arizona Wanderings. At the start of Arizona Wanderings I chose to use the basic and neatly packaged and simple to use wordpress.com software.

As the site began to grow larger and the needs of Arizona Wanderings was not being met by wordpress.com, I turned to my brother, Joel Smith, at J.Sumner Designs to help me out. By turning the technical reigns over to him, he took my thoughts and goals for Arizona Wanderings and turned it in to the masterpiece that is before you. (I know masterpiece is a little dramatic, but hey, this is my site and I dig it.) His knowledge of computer code combined with his artistic tastes made it fairly easy to get to our final product.

Long story short, for everyone who is looking for a facelift on a blog or starting a new website, do yourself a favor and contact Joel at J. Sumner Designs and tell him his big brother sent you.