My wife thinks I am insane, but does not even budge when my alarm rings at 2:15 in the morning. Coffee, gear, and a granola bar keep me company for the hour drive across town to meet up with Antonio where after a refill of coffee from the thermos, the cruise get’s set on 75 for the rest of the drive to washboard road that leads to the creek. This is a typical Saturday in Arizona, and even though it is 90 degrees in the Valley, the brisk mountain air helps make the decision to wear a longsleeve t-shirt.

We rigged up and were on the water shortly after the sun started to warm the surrounding hills. The first couple of pools started to produce and the small, wild rainbows who call this creek home were hungry and looking up.

These rainbows are so unique in their spots and colors. For such little guys they fight and pull all the way to your hand. I never get tired of catching beautiful wild fish.

I stuck with my standard mini-hopper with a rotating variety of droppers and I imagine 90% of the fish that I brought it in were from the surface. There is something about seeing a splashy surface attack or a nose come out of the water in a riffle for a dry that makes my soul smile. Antonio stuck with a streamer which he is extremely productive with. “The fly which shall not be photographed” (Harry Potter reference for my wife) is an Antonio original that pulls fish from every part of the stream. Luckily, I think Antonio and I are good enough friends now, where if I tied a few up I think he would be ok with it.

With Antonio on the streamer and myself on the dry/dropper, we each fished appropriate water and picked up fish all throughout the morning. The stream was teaming with life and the trees and foliage were green and alive. It was a picturesque morning on the water and one that shall not be soon forgotten. Part way through the creek we opted to check out a different section of the stream and see if we could get into some bigger fish. I never miss the chance to check out some new water…

Nice to see the mini-hopper make an appearance. I got to use one for the first time here and even though it’s not quite time for hoppers to be everywhere, they fish couldn’t resist. Review coming soon as I get more pics with mini-hopper in fish’s lips.
Thanks man. The mini has been really productive for me and I think you’re right. They can’t resist how tasty it looks as it’s coming down the creek. Looking forward to the review. Tight lines.
My dog, but those are pretty bows. Picture perfect really!
Thats Mike. Next time you’re over this way ditch the bike and we’ll fish.
Cool fish again! It is surprising how much crazy those little fish can pack into those little brains.