The quail season has started very slowly this year with birds sleeping late and not being vocal. Usually the birds are up and chirping as the sun lightens the sky but this year they are not really talking until about 8.

This past Saturday, I had a great opportunity to get out with my buddy,Kyle and his pup, Chase and try and find some Gambel’s. We met up at dark and made our way back into some great looking country.

After covering some serious ground we were finally able to find a couple of coveys with a good amount of birds. We were each able to put a couple down and into the vest, although I should probably buy stock in an ammunition company with the amount of shooting and missing I was doing.

It was great getting out into the field with Kyle and Chase and I had a great time hunting over a dog. Chase is only a year old and I think it will be pretty cool to see how he grows and matures over the upcoming season. With more warm weather on the way, it will also be interesting to see how this quail season turns out.

If you are looking for more information on quail hunting or wanting to share a report, head on over to the Quail Hunting Forum and lend your voice.
nice report, we have one more week to wait here in Cali.
Thanks John. I hope your season goes well. Our landscape is definitely dry which I think is affecting our season so far. Keep me posted.