I’ll be tying flies from 10-2 at the first annual ALCS Recreational Expo up in Cottonwood. Should be a great time up there so swing on by, pull up a chair, and say hello. See you there.
I’ll be tying flies from 10-2 at the first annual ALCS Recreational Expo up in Cottonwood. Should be a great time up there so swing on by, pull up a chair, and say hello. See you there.
Ben, have fun and watch out for those guys from Golden Cobra Boxing, especially if they are wearing their skeleton-imprinted black jumpsuits for Halloween. They show “no mercy!”
For sure…Luckily Mr. Miyagi is my wingman…
Pretty cool that you will be tying at the show…and had a request for a review by Orvis? Wow man, the site is really looking great. All of that with a new book too. Bizzy, bizzy, bizzy!
Home Skillet
Thanks Eric. Life has been busy and AZW has been chugging right along. Coming up on this new year really makes me stop and think about where the site was a year ago. I definitely would not be in the position I am now without your help and encouragement. I truly appreciate all you’ve done man.