This past Friday was the inaugural Bar Fly here in Phoenix, Arizona. The kind folks over at Boulders on Broadway were decent enough to let us crash their place and scatter vises and fly tying material all around. There was a pretty good turnout for such short notice, and the hope is to plan an event for every couple of months. The food was fantastic and the dollar off beer special was extremely generous. Desert Sportsman even donated some fantastic merchandise for giveaways. Make sure you’re at the next one.

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Ben it was nice to finally meet you in person! And thanks for the tying demo!
Nice to meet up with you Simon. See you next time.
Hey Ben,
Thanks again for spending so much time helping my son Ethan use up all your fly tying materials. He had a blast and since then we’ve caught fish on the AZ mini hopper one of the guys helped him tie. He’s totally hooked on fly fishing and you and the guys played a big part!
That’s great to hear Aaron. These kind of comments make all the work worthwhile. Thanks.