Over easy eggs, floppy bacon, and a double pot of coffee is the only way to start the opening day of dove hunting season. With a big breakfast and the coffee starting to do it’s work, I met up with two buddies, and we bounced the trucks through the desert, just outside of city limits. As the sun started to peak over the distant horizon, a few doves followed the edge of the wash and provided the first few shots of the morning. We shot for an hour or so, until the sun got a bit higher in the sky and the doves stopped flying. We cleaned up, had a beer and were home before the wives knew we were gone.
For me, dove season signals the beginning of fall. Although the temperatures here in Arizona will stay over 100 through the rest of the month, dove hunting on Labor Day weekend provides the opportunity to breakout the shotgun and get some shooting in before quail season opens up in October. While I’ll have to wait a bit longer for the taste of quail, dove pot pie will be on the menu soon.

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Great article to wake up to this morning! Brought back quite a few memories of joining up with a bunch of squadron mates from the Marine Corps Air Station in Yuma, heading to a local field, and spending the rest of the afternoon around the barbecue with grilled dove and cold beer. Been 20 years but it seems like yesterday. Thanks for sparking the memory of great times with great gents.
Right on Richard. Glad you enjoyed it. Hope you’re able to get out this season. Thanks for your service. Take care.
I’m impressed. It appears you plucked them! Should be great eating and makes use of the best part of the bird — legs and thighs
Thanks Jim. Plucking doves is the only way to do it.
I woke up on the opening day to shotgun pops behind my rural property, I knew the fun time had begun. Please pass on the respect of keeping the legal distance from my corralled horses, please. Enjoy
Nice haul Ben. Signs of fall are certainly on the come. I’m hungry for bacon.
Thanks Michael. Hope all is well with you and the family.