The story goes: I hiked for a long ways. Spotted a big fish. Against all odds, my 20 minute stalk worked, with the big boy taking a brown mini-hopper. About 15 minutes later, I paid the price for this monster with a #8 hook in the face. My fault. Had my good buddy Antonio push the hook the rest of the way through, crimp the barb, and then back out.
For the record: I would take a hook in the face any day for a fish like this.

OMG dude! What a pig! glad you’re allright, that must’ve been a day of days. m
Thanks Mike. It was an incredible day and one that I will not soon forget.
I think it’s part of fishing to get hooked once in a while. I’ve had two recently and in the same finger no less.
Getting hooked is no fun, as I found out. I have to agree with you.
Ouch! Hooked perfectly in the corner of the mouth.
I imagine that was a small price to pay for such a great fish.
Congrats on the trout, sorry you got hooked.
Thanks Jay. It was well worth the hook in the face.
That’s one amazing fish! Beauty.
Thanks Erin.
I would take a hook in many places for a fish like this…
Tell me about it Nick. It was well worth it and I would do it again.
See, there are few benefits to going barbless besides serving the health of fish. I guess it was teaching my kids that finally tipped me over to 100% barbless. I simply didn’t want to ruin the experience with a bad incident with a youngster. So far, it’s been a good move. They only remember the ones that got off anyway. Note: I do not crimp barbs for Tarpon or Sharks. Those bastards get the full monty…and deserve it.
Yeah. It was definitely a good lesson. Next time.
Dang – Nice fish Ben!
Looks like you caught two big fish, although I don’t think you are supposed to catch yourself. Great looking fish. Sorry about the fly to the face.
Awesome fish Ben! Your hook scar will add character to that mug of yours, even though are already a character. Congrats!!!
What a ripper!!! I’m really looking forward to summer fishing! It’s such a cold winter down here. Summer couldn’t come soon enough.
What a stunning catch Ben
Thanks all for the kind words. I couldn’t have been happier, except for no fly in the face.
That is one beautiful AZ brown! The girth on that brute is impressive, and the fact that you fooled it on a dry. Nicely done. Sorry about the fly in the face, and with a barbed hook no less…ouch!
Planning on our first trout fishing trip to AZ this October. I have been a fly fisherman here in the sunny South in the Panhandle of Florida for many years, but never trout fished. For an older man, where would you suggest to go for wade fishing for trout? My wife and I already have out gear, but we need pointers and probably a guide. I have been reading up on Oak Creek and the many streams in the White Mountains, but due to age and old legs, we need to know which ones are the most “senior citizen friendly”. Can you offer any advice?
Great to hear from you and nice to hear that you are going to be in AZ. Arizona has some excellent lake fishing with some big and beautiful fish. Becker Lake near Show Low fishes well in October and Silver Creek also in Show Low is one of the easiest creeks to access in Arizona. The Salt River right outside of Phoenix is quick access as well, but in my opinion the fishing can be spotty. If you have the time, Lees Ferry is one of the prettiest places to fish and Terry Gunn has a whole bunch of great guides there on the Colorado River. Shoot me an email as the time gets closer and I can help you out a little more. Best of luck.
Just wondered where all these good backwater fish are in az.. I am an avid fly fishermen and have been fly fishing since I was 8.. I strictly use barbless hooks and practice catch and release.. I have been to many places throughout rim country and flag and williams, but I have never seen areas like this…
They are there. Just got to keep looking and hiking. When you find them, you’ll want to keep them all to yourself too. Best of luck.
Beautiful Brown. And, that other
“fish” you hooked is a monster! That
is where expert knowlege of playing
and netting is essential!
Fantastic Trout!! What you have done is accidentally designed the latest in lip rings!!