I finally crossed Apache trout off my species list. I’m almost embarrassed to admit that I’ve lived in Arizona for going on 8 years and have just now laid hands on my first Apache trout. I’ve pulled in a couple of hybrid Apache/Rainbows off of a couple of creeks in the past, but these were my first true gold, speckled, Apache trout. My good buddy Kyle and I ran up to the Whites for a long day trip to work some fish at Christmas Tree Lake. Christmas Tree Lake is located on the White Mountain Apache Reservation and is known to hold some large Apaches and the occasional big brown. Since picking up my Scadden pontoon boat, it’s been fun to explore some of the stillwaters, that were not really accessible to me before. We met up early and made it to the lake just after sunrise.
What we weren’t expecting was the hellacious wind that ripped across the lake. The wind swirled from every different direction and spun our pontoons around like we were on the teacups at Disneyland. It made for an interesting day of fishing. We were lucky enough to pick up a few fish early in the day on ant patterns while the wind was a bit milder, but we had to wait for the evening bite to pick up any more fish. Regardless, it was a beautiful day in the mountains on one of the most picturesque lakes in the state. I look forward to heading back up in the future for a less windy day on the lake.

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Good to see you putting that toon to work! I’m glad the lake afforded you some fish even with the poor conditions.
Thanks Kristen. Loving the pontoon boat.
Thanks, Ben, always a great time with you. Hoping to hook up and fish again soon.
Absolutely Kyle. Always good to get out together. Thanks for showing me around up there. I’m looking forward to hooking up again.
I’ve been in AZ for 5 years now and haven’t netted an Apache.
Christmas Tree is one of the prettiest lakes in the state. It’s definitely worth the time to go check it out.
Wow, now that is a day trip! You’re not kidding about long… But what an amazing specimen to cross off the list with!!! Way to go, very nice! Fish on!
Thanks Justin. The White Mountains make for a very long day trip. I always pack a couple five hour energies to make it back home. Thanks for the kind words.
No problem! I’ve been reading & following your site for awhile now and have been very impressed, love how you post different types of articles (gear review, trip review, personal family stoies) and your website is very nice & professional. I am in a similar situation (sportsman that now has to balance love for the outdoors with fam & kids…) & my group of fellow outdoorsmen is shrinking… Particularly loved your story about lunch time with the fam, I have tried Granada lake a few times on lunch. If you ever need a co-pilot or fishing buddy, let me know! Have you spent much time on the East Verde River?
That’s really kind of you to say Justin. I’ll definitely hit you up sometime. I haven’t spent a whole bunch of time on the East Verde. Wish I could help more. Best of luck.
Nice job, Ben!! Still need to add Apache to my list of fish caught! Also pumped to see Norty sporting the Promont DryFly hat!!
Thanks Zach. I was rocking the Promont shirt under my jacket. Good mojo.
Man that looks like fun! Great pictures Ben and thanks for the tour of Christmas Tree Lake.
I too have always enjoyed your blog…especially as I too love to fly fish AND hunt quail (without a dog:( ). I am fortunate to travel to places for work that have GREAT fly fishing (MT, CO, UT, WA, OR) so I don’t fish many spots in our state. I have never been to Christmas Tree lake. Do you need an SUV or pickup truck to get to it?
BTW- I have an AWESOME quail location (although worried for this season after ZERO rain this past winter) if you want to swap secrets where you land those beautiful browns you’ve posted:)
Keith, an SUV or truck is not mandatory, but probably recommended. I think you could make it back in there with a car though, no problem. I definitely think it’s worth the trip. I appreciate your kind words and offer. I’ll definitely keep that in mind. Take care.
Yeah buddy! One more thing to add to my list when I come camp in your yard.. unless Kyle also likes snoring. Beautiful spot, what’s the elevation?
Absolutely Larry. Christmas Tree is somewhere over 8,000. We’ll definitely hit it when you come down.
Hey Ben,
I’m heading to Christmas Tree in a few weeks! You’re post has me even more stoked as I’m chasing my first Apache also! Do you have any advice on what I should load my fly box with? Congrats man… beautiful scenery, beautiful fish.
Thanks Colby,
Ants and bloodworm patterns seemed to work for us. Bring damsels though. There’s tons of them on the water. Good luck and thanks for the kind words.
Thanks for the report and terrific photos. One of my favorite stillwaters anywhere. It’s been several years since I’ve fished Christmas Tree. This brings back many fond memories.
Thanks Jeff. It certainly is a beautiful spot.