By many people’s standards, I am still a young man. But, north of thirty years old doesn’t feel the same as south of thirty did. I feel my mortality after a day of stalking brown trout on round creek rocks and hiking the miles out of a deep canyon. As I walked back to the truck losing myself in the sounds and smells of the forest, I became contemplative. This often happens after a day fishing alone and talking to myself on the creek. I have also been keeping busy reading Snake River fishing guides online hoping to up my game and get really solid advice. The title of a Charles Bukowski poem pops into my brain and I found myself muttering the words softly under my breath – “the days run away like wild horses over the hills…”

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viking points for quoting bukowski. also for a wooden net
You know it. I took the bamboo on the next trip. I’ve got a sweet pic to send you.
Great Adventure,Young Man!
Thanks Phil.
Having just turned 76, I contemplate my mortality on a regular basis!! Yet I understand your feeling of thankfulness–just being able to be a part of it all. I’m also glad to find out that I’m not the only guy who turns over rocks while fishing!! Already making plans for Mearns’ Quail season.
Right on Charles. I love flipping rocks out there and see what’s crawling around. Take care.
Bro…great post! Those are some beautiful fish…
Thanks Zach.
Good to see you back out on the water my friend, excellent write up as always!
Thanks bud.