The sun has a unique way of complimenting the mountains in Arizona. Whether it’s turning them pink in the morning or purple at dusk, I don’t know if I’ve ever seen so many beautiful sunrises and sunsets. As an outdoorsman, I have the privilege of being in the field to see these picturesque sights, and on a certain level, I feel sorry for the poor saps who sleep in and spend their days indoors. They seem to miss out on all the beauty that nature has to offer.
On the same line, there’s nothing quite like the beauty of a male Gambel’s quail. From the creamy white chest to the burnt orange head, this beautiful bird stands out to the stark contrast of it’s rough environment. There is nothing quite like holding one and running your fingers over the small intricate feathers.
Although the pickings have been a bit slim this season for birds in some of my usual Gambel’s quail hunting spots, it makes every bird that much sweeter.

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Couldnt agree more with you. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks Kyle. Great looking Mearns hunt. Glad things are looking up down there. Take care.
Found your comments while looking for a guide to hunt with before season ends. Never hunted quail in Arizona and can’t wait to try it. Who should I call to book a hunt?
Great hearing from you. I’m not a guide, but if you’re looking for one, I’d recommend Dave Brown. He’s based out of Patagonia AZ. He’s a top notch guy that will take care of you. Check him out at DaveBrownOutfitters.com. Take care.