Hunting with Pat Flanagan on his guide’s day off is no picnic. After walking through Mearns country all day, I began to imagine that if he took off his boots, you’d see goat hooves instead of feet. I guess that’s what happens when you guide for quail in southern Arizona and chase your pack of shorthairs up and down those hills.
Watching his dogs work out the birds was a thing of beauty. Their dark bodies weaved and crossed in front of us through the yellow grass, occasionally circling back for a gulp of water before plunging back into the golden landscape. Pat’s dogs lived up to the hype and found us multiple coveys. The ice cold Modelas and tailgate fullĀ of birds at the end of the day was worth the work.
As quail season winds to a close, I can’t help but ponderĀ over the days in the field spent by myself and with friends. I know that it’ll be a couple long months before I’m watching a covey flush and bringing the shotgun to my shoulder. Until then, I’ll be living off of days like this, replaying the day’s events over and over again in my mind.
Pat runs Border to Border Outfitters and you can hunt birds with him from Minnesota all the way to Arizona and everywhere in between. Check him out at Border to Border Outfitters.

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Great report, Ben. I wish I had the same results that you had on my two trips down there this year. I’ll certainly be calling Pat next year to try and learn the ropes a little better. Can’t wait, already, for next season.
As always, I enjoy reading your comments. As I have mentioned before, I have purchased your T-shirts for sons and grandsons, but nowhere can I find any T-shirts, paintings, coffee mugs, or underwear with pictures of Mearns’ Quail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lots of stuff with Gambles, but nothing with Mearns. Help this old hunter out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last that fella know I have Mearns hats/shirts
Just returned from a trip and your response about “Mearns’Quail” tee shirts was there. I look forward to hearing what you have to offer!!!!!