Too tired to write. More to follow on my Mearns hunt with Dave Brown down South. Many thanks to Dave for a great day in the field with him and his fine pups.
Too tired to write. More to follow on my Mearns hunt with Dave Brown down South. Many thanks to Dave for a great day in the field with him and his fine pups.
oh…. this bird would yield some pretty cool feathers for some mean sakasa kebaris.
those would be soft hackles right? to those of us who enjoy casting a rod…j/k
Nice picture Ben, man I miss the mearns!!! Can’t wait to hear your report on your day down south.
Nice mearns quail Ben can’t wait to hear the story.
Thanks guys. Getting back late on Sunday night and fighting a cold that one of these kids kindly gave me has me a bit under the weather. I should have something up later this week. Mearns hunting is where it is at. So much fun. And you better believe I have a nice Ziploc bag of soft hackles now too.