I talked my hunting buddy, Austin, into skipping out on the first part of work to join me for a sweat-dripping walk through the desert in search of Arizona Gambel’s quail. After the first day of quail hunting, my hopes were very low, but with the chance to check out a new spot, I was looking for a chance at redemption. The early morning was eerily quiet and it was not until a couple hours after daylight that we actually started hearing and seeing birds. We scared up several coveys who immediately flew to the top of the surrounding hills. Hacking through the underbrush I was able to knock a couple birds down. In spite of the low numbers, I have never been so happy to put two birds in my vest.

Beautiful birds, they’ll be delicious! Just curious, what have the temps been like out there recently?
Thanks Corey. Temps have been in the 80s and 90s but it feels a whole lot worse when you’re hiking those hills and chasing birds. I’m looking forward to the cooler weather.
Beautiful birds, man!! Congrats on finding some birds!
Thanks Zach. Hopefully things will pick up once we hit some cooler weather.
Glad to hear you got a couple. I hope I can bag some down here near Tucson this weekend.
Best of luck Ricky. Let me know how things go.
Just a follow up. On Saturday my brother and I were able to get 7. The quail down here seem to be doing very well this year.
Awesome to hear. Sounds like it’s on down your way.
yes sir!
Thanks Sanders.
Great pictures! Going on my first quail hunt (actually, first hunt EVER) next week so I’ve been reading lots of info on it. Great site, thank you for sharing!
Thanks for the kind words Brian. Best of luck on the first hunt. As a preliminary caution, it’s going to be a tough season in my opinion. So try not to let that stand in the way of having a great time. I’d love to hear how you do. Take care.
Follow up: We took Cave Creek Rd until it ended and about another 8 miles into Tonto National Forest for the hunt. We saw 3 quail the entire 4-5 hours we were there and they flew towards my buddies each time, so I never got a shot off. My buddies missed 2 of them and connected on one, but we never found it. At least it was ~70° where we were and enjoyed the company. It was a bit of a let down for my first hunt, but I’ll be back…probably in a different spot though. I’m still a complete novice to Quail Hunting, so I have no clue what makes for a good “Quail Hunting Area”.
Awesome to hear that you got out for some hunting, but sorry to hear that there were not that many birds. As I said before, most hunters are finding the same thing as you – very few birds. It makes for a long season, but it does make you appreciate the good years. When looking for quail habitat, try to find water. Also focus on those hard to reach areas. That can sometimes weed out other hunters and give you a better shot at finding un-hunted birds. Good luck in the rest of your season and thanks for the update.
Went out again yesterday, this time to Robbins Butte in Buckeye (much closer to my home) but still came up empty. At least I got to fire my shotgun, but missed my target. I liked only being about 20 mins from my home. Not to mention being able to hunt for a bit and still be home in time for Church! This makes for a happier wife & son. 🙂
Again, I enjoyed being out with another buddy and this terrain was MUCH easier on me as I’ve been dealing with a lot of health issues (surgeries). I’m starting to really like this hunting business…that could be a bad thing!
Are there some good forums that you AZ quail/dove guys are on that I can join?