To put it mildly, the Arizona quail season has been less than stellar so far this year. Although I have held onto hope for as long as possible, reports from across most of Arizona have all had the same meager message. My favorite spots still hold some birds but I feel that I keep hitting them every weekend and the birds are tired of hearing my truck and seeing me come trudging up the hill at them. So, after gorging myself at the in-laws on Thursday, I dragged myself out of bed on Friday and Saturday mornings to check out some spots that I have had circled on the map and always wanted to take a look at. With a pot of coffee in the thermos and a leftover turkey sandwich in the cooler, I did a little bit of exploring. Without boring you with the details, here are the cliff notes. I found water, and I found birds although not as many as I expected. I did find a whole mess of javelina and I may be purchasing a leftover tag in that particular area, since I did not get drawn in my regular unit. I could have (and should have) walked farther and checked out a few more water sources, but I’ll save that for another day. Arizona has some pretty country to walk through…

Why does it always look so hot there! Granted it is in AZ, but still. …Maybe it is the cactus…
No…it’s usually pretty warm. More than warm it’s just dry. It’s like living in a giant sand box. Sometimes I hate it, but sometimes it is really beautiful…