This is a good pattern to drift or strip through those crawdad infested streams and lakes that can be found throughout Arizona’s high country. A couple of people have emailed looking for more specifics, so here are the basic steps for tying up AW Crayfish. Enjoy…
Hook: #8 streamer hook
Thread: Brown 6/0 Uni-Thread
Tail and Arms: Cheap assorted marabou feathers (local craft store)
Eyes: Bead chain
Rib: Vinyl ribbing
Dubbing: Simi-Seal

hey ben, I was so pumped to see you had this pattern because I recently discovered some isolated brookie streams here in Virginia with lots of crayfish. I’m guessing, if there is a food source, there are some nice sized fish in there to take advantage of it. it seems the photos aren’t working anymore. Do you still have these photos/instructions? If not, no worries. Just thought I’d ask. Thanks man.
Since my recent switch to a new hosting company and changes on the site, some of my pictures were lost. I’ll have them up today for you. Thanks for your patience.
oh, you rock.
Nice looking fly!
I see the lead wire wraps, but with the beadchain eyes, does the fly normally sit on the bottom or strip hook up? Is that the intention? Also, do you “post up” the marabou to orient the claws in a particular way?
Thanks for the kind words. These particular bead chain eyes are not that heavy so the fly sits normal. I do post the marabou to make sure that it maintains the two distinct claws. I hope that helps.