I finished a fantastic week at school where I have a great team and really nice students. I am looking forward to this year and all of the great things that are going to happen. Having said that, the first week is always tough trying to get those old gears working again, not only for the students, but teachers as well. By Friday afternoon, I was feeling the exhaustion starting to seep in and knew that a day on the stream would fix all that. I was able to hook up with a younger guy, Jake, from church and at 4:30 we were on our way to the Rim. We fished one of my favorite streams that is loaded with wild rainbows and heavy browns and rarely sees visitors.

The fishing was good, but not as outstanding as usual. Normally every pool and riffle will have a hungry trout ready to nip at whatever is in front of him, but for some reason the bites were fewer and farther between. We focused on dries for much of the day but had some success when we fished the dropper later in the day. We ended up with 15-20 fish between us and some of the colors were absolutely stunning. Unfortunately the upper portion of the creek was busy and full of day users who had been walking and swimming in the creek. We decided to call it a day and fish our way back down. It was a beautiful day that warmed up fairly quickly, but a great way to spend a Saturday after a long week of work.