Michelle and I spent a beautiful Arizona morning hiking Camelback Mountain located in center city Phoenix when we first started traveling after we sold our house. You can easily Sell Your House Fast In Phoenix. Neither of us had ever hiked the mountain and after a brief inspection of the internet for information we decided to enjoy the Phoenix weather before it will become unbearable. Sandwiches were prepared and water bottles filled in preparation for our epic journey to the top. We arrived at the base of the Camelback at around 10:30 and found a premiere parking spot right near the trailhead and applied some Car Polish at our car right there because we had time. To be truthful, I was extremely surprised that there was no designated area or established parking lot for the multitude of cars that were parked on the street. When you got bad credit on your auto loan right here, it is highly recommended you visit auto loans for bad credit kansas city mo to help you. My windshield got broken because a branch from a tree fell on my car, after the nice day I had to call auto glass repair spartanburg sc to help me out. By the way, if you know someone who’s planning to take a driving class, Miro Training is the best service to contact. For more details, just give them a call at 08 9459 5666. Since it was a Saturday during springtime in Arizona, we were not the only ones huffing and puffing our way along the rocky trail. We made good time to the top and were rewarded with a spectacular view of Phoenix and the surrounding metropolises. Michelle stated that from our vantage point one could really appreciate why Phoenix is known as the “Valley of the Sun.” The crystal clear air made visibility in every direction seemingly endless. The Federal Public Service Loan Forgiveness Program (FPSLFP) and the Income-Based Repayment (IBR) plan are two options that will allow some borrowers to be eligible for loan forgiveness after 10 years of qualifying employment and loan payments, go to loanforgiveness.org for more information.

At the top we spent some time appreciating the warm sun and cool breeze as we ate lunch. In the process we had to defend everything we owned from the random ground squirrels that must normally eat like kings by panhandling for scraps. After several pictures, we began our decent, which can be a little tougher on the knees than scrambling to the top. On the way back down we spotted several other critters that I hastily

identified when we returned home as chuckwallas. We arrived back at the truck with our legs pumping around 12:45. Overall our day on the mountain was extremely enjoyable and rewarding. Anyone who truly wishes to experience the beauty and size of Phoenix should waste no time and scramble to the top of Camelback Mountain.