After my recent review of RedRam’s Merino Thermals, the kind folks over at RedRam contacted me about hosting a RedRam top/bottom layer giveaway for the readers of Arizona Wanderings. The giveaway is pretty simple and there are multiple opportunities to enter.
Please add a separate comment for each of the following:
1. Leave a comment on this post explaining your current setup for base layers
2. Like Arizona Wanderings on Facebook, then come back here and leave a comment stating that you did. If you already like Arizona Wanderings, feel free to leave a comment.
3. Like The Backcountry Journal on Facebook, then come back here and leave a comment stating that you did. If you already like The Backcountry Journal, feel free to leave a comment.
4. Follow The Backcountry Journal on Twitter, then come back and leave a comment here.
5. Share this on your Facebook, then come back and add another comment.
If you did everything right, you should have 5 chances at the RedRam thermals. This giveaway will close on Monday 12/26/11 and a winner will be chosen through a randomly generated number and announced next Tuesday 12/27/11. The winner will be contacted by email. A big thanks to RedRam and as always, thanks to the readers of Arizona Wanderings for your support.

Disclaimer: My review of the RedRam thermals was my honest opinion. Arizona Wanderings is honored to host this giveaway, while RedRam will handle shipping after the winner is announced.
Ben my current layer setup is underarmour cold gear for the top, and when I am wading in Canyon Lake in the cold AZ winter I wear sweats under my breathable waders. When I moved to AZ 2 years ago, I got rid of my cold weather clothes not knowing one day I would need them all to fulfill my addiction to the outdoors.
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Ben- my current base layer is a wool poly blend by Duofold which I don’t think they make anymore. After that I wear various combinations of fleece and sweaters depending on the weather and activity.
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duofold and underarmor. I used to have some capiliene but that seems to have been misplaced. misplaced long underwear? are you kidding me?
both light and mid weight…
does this give me one chance? I dont do the facebook thing…
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Thanks, Ben.
I currently have some cotton thermal bottoms, but I’m waiting on some back ordered fleece pants from LL Bean. On top I wear a wicking SS or LS tshirt with various weights of fleece or even a duofold wool & polyester top. My merino wool Buff is the bomb.
I hope the stuff you’re offering is not the same set you tested!
— Greg
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Hello, Ben! Thanks for this great opportunity and also thanks to the folks at RedRam. My base layers have been used for years, probably, time for more updated technology for me. I use some Columbia Poly material for pants and some fleece knock off’s for the top.
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Current setup is thermal cotton top & bottom. It gets chilly sometimes. Although I do have some electric socks for my feet.
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Under Armor is my current base layer – very underwhelming if I do say so myself.
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My base layer is nike or under armor. I would be willing to try redram. Ben we need to fish one of these days.
I’m a big guy 6’2″ 200+ lbs so in Arizona I don’t typically use much baselayer. If I think it will envolve any type of activity this is especially true. That being said, always that light weights on the bottom half, up top light to mid weight base layers.
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I am still using 1980’s vintage Bellwether expedition weight (not 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0) polypropolene. It has become pretty scratchy over the years and to minimize it I use a dryfit shirt under the top. It is good for a day or two but the BO become pretty bad after about the 3 day. It is warm though, just not the most comfortable anymore.
My current base layering is some off brand polly thermal. I usually wear fleece over the top of that for really cold situations.
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I currently wear all REI brand baselayers and a heavier weight sherpa baselayer.
Baselayers can vary but above all must be wickable. It seems obvious but cotton thermals of yore weren’t inherently so. I favor either silk, merino or synthetics and presently own synthetics. A good baselayer product is an essential part of the outdoorsman’s wardrobe for certain. Merino is fascinating stuff and is being tried in a lot of interesting ways. Heck, there are even merino-lined wetsuits. Very curious about REDRAM.
Posted about AZ Wanderings at Media Needles facebook profile too.
My base layer is a pair of my old 9oz cycling tights and a poly/lycra l/s t-shirt. I should up grade, but I’m too busy casting flies!
I have some 20-year old PolarMax top and bottoms (poly/lycra). Also mix in a UArmour top and an old, dressy merino wool sweater that busted a whole… so now it’s an outdoor layer.
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My current base layer consists of some running pants, under my jeans. On the upper half, it usually consists of a t-shirt, a thin long sleeve t-shirt, a sweat shirt and then a coat. Not idea at all…I NEED THESE!
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Current base layer is either rei or cabelas.
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Basketball shorts, or if it is cold, some nice golf-club pattern pajama pants. I know, I need a real base layer.
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My current setup for base layers is long johns and/or sweat pants.
I wear longjohns for my base layer.
Thermal LongJohns are worn under my warm Neoprene Waders !!!
I don’t have any top/bottom base layer right now because they burned up in our campsite in the Wallow Fire! 🙂
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I currently use fleece wader pants by Cabela’s and Sportsmans’ Warehouse under my waders and a wool sweater
While hunting I use Cabela’s MTP medium weight or Indera fleece military weight
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I wear Smart Wool for a base layer, then fleece pants over that under my waders. Wool socks are important too.
Base layer = inadequate old generic thermals.
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I currently use Cabelas base layers. I think they are polypropylene.
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Posted this site and give-away on FB. I would also twitter, but I haven’t figured that one out yet. 🙂
Ben, since I only get out minimally in the winter, I’m not well prepared. I wear underarmour on the bottom and t-shirt, long john top and a flannel shirt, all covered by a down coat. I was already a fan on Facebook of both Wanderings and Backcountry Journal,shared this post on Windknots Facebook Page and posted to Arizona Wanderings page.
my current thermal set up is a pair of Puma running leggings paired with a canterbury long sleeve rugby undershirt. both topped off with fleece (bottom) and wool on top.
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