A couple months ago, my wife informed me that we were going to be heading up to Colorado to visit one of her friends from highschool. Being the supportive husband that I am, I smiled, told her that sounded fine. Once our conversation was over, my excitement could not be contained, and I instantly starting doing some research on how I could get onto some water while I was there. After a few emails and phone calls, Juan Ramirez, of The Hopper Juan, agreed to meet with me for a day of fishing on the Arkansas River to see if we could tempt some of the browns and bows that live in its waters.
Fish came on a variety of bugs. Morning saw us drifting stone flies and caddis, and around lunchtime, everything aligned for a nice little BWO hatch. Even though the wind blew steadily for the rest of the day, blue wings were the name of the game, and Juan even pulled a couple on a dry. It was a surreal day, and the fishing was everything I hoped it would be and so much more. A BIG thank you to Juan for meeting up with me and after looking through his fly boxes, I am inspired to sit down at the vise even more than I already do. He has a true talent and passion for tying flies. Thanks again Juan, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

well well well…nice work again you lucky dawg.
I was very lucky to get out, but that day on the water just made me want more. Colorado is a beautiful state with some fantastic water. I foresee using lots of gas to get back up there and fish again…
That’s the stuff! Now if I can only convince my wife to find a conference in MT…
Thanks Mike. MT would be nice. Good luck convincing the wife.
Dang Ben, and it’s only March!
Sounds like a great trip Ben. The Arkansas has a ton of fish, nothing huge from what I can tell, but still, catching browns all day, nothing wrong with that. Thanks, Paul
Paul, Thanks for the kind words. You pretty much described the Ark. I will say that we both lost some bigger fish, but most of the fish we brought to hand were in that 12-15 inch range. Beautiful river though, one that I could spend many many days exploring.
I know Barry. I’ve been super blessed so far this year. I’m looking forward to many more days on the water.
AWESOME photos man! I cannot wait to get out and start really fishing again! What camera are you using??
Thanks AO. It surely was a perfect day. I use a FujiFilm Finepix. Honestly I hate the camera. It is waterproof and shockproof, but it really doesn’t take consistently good pictures. I end up taking maybe 100 pictures or more just to get a couple of good ones. Sometimes I sneak my wife’s Cannon DSLR out of the house, but it makes me nervous having it on the water. Thanks for the kind words.
Nice report. Gotta love the browns…
Thanks Greg. It’s been a good couple of weekends on the water.
Ben, it was definitely a great time. Thanks for coming to colorado and thanks to your wife for bringing you and letting you out for the day. I had a great time and I am so glad you were able to enjoy the day. The next time out, we will hit the South Platte for a change of scenery. Oh, and plan on spending a few days on the water next time. Thanks again!
Thanks again. It surely was a great day on the water and one that I will not soon forget. I’m looking forward to hitting the South Platte. I’ll make sure to lay out a couple of days for fishing next time for sure. Take care.
Good stuff Ben. Love the photo of the Mercury RS2. Great shot. Beautiful fish.
Thanks Jay. I really dig the new site. Gorgeous photos.