One of my good fishing buddies, Jason Jones, runs AZ by the Fly which is a local fly fishing site with some great local information. Mr. Jones has recently expanded his enterprise and started offering a smoking deal on a heft batch of fly tying dubbing. There are 46 colors in the pack, and each bag holds at least 2 grams while most run between 2.3-2.7 grams each to be safe. They come packaged in 3″ x 5″ bags individually labeled.
46 Color Dubbing Kit from AZ by the Fly
If you’re looking for a sweet deal on dubbing this is an excellent place to start. Check his site out and support a local.

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Thats a lot of leeches!
Thanks for the link.
It’s a whole lot of dubbing! Thanks for the excellent product.
Ben, sorry, just popped a dumb question over on Google +. Helps if I would read the post first. Thanks for the link to the site. Looks like a great buy.
No worries Mel. Hope all is well.
That is some good lookin’ dubbing! Also, those beads are a fantastic touch!
Thanks David.
Nice looking leeches. Maybe you should make a ton of them and sell them in your shop.
Maybe I will Tres. You need any leeches? 🙂
If they look like those, yeah. Haha