My buddy Jason and I were able to get out for a cold and windy day on one of the high country lakes. We had heard rumors of some big holdover brown trout and figured we would go and see what the lake had to offer. The lake fished well for the recently stocked brown trout and we caught fish in the morning and evening on sinking lines and streamers. None of the big boys came out to play.
Normally when I fish our streams here in Arizona, I practice catch and release, as many of the streams rely on natural reproduction to maintain their population. Stocked fish in a non reproducing lake is another story. With family coming in for the holidays, it’s nice to have a limit of fish to share. The great thing about fly fishing Arizona is that we do have year round opportunities here in this state.

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I envy you Ben. Smoke those babies up!
Will do Howard. They’re going to be tasty.
I follow your philosophy on fish. Catch and Release where the reproduction is natural. If you were stocked, you get eaten. One caveat though for streams with native fish stressed by introduced species: Catch and keep the invaders! Especially brook trout anywhere west of the Mississippi!
Well said. We are definitely on the same page.