My last small stream outing left much to be desired, so after a long week at work, I met up with my friend Barry to go try our luck at on the Mogollon Rim. We made good time and arrived as the sun was starting creep over the hills. When when we opened the truck doors, the wind and 18 degree thermometer reading caused us to seriously reconsider our plans.
But everything changed when we made it to the water. Streamers were the name of the game, and for the first couple hours, dead drifted and stripped streamers brought many fish to the net. As the day warmed up, the fishing slowed down a bit. We expected to see some bugs coming off, but even with the sun full on the water, no hatches. With not much action and some other anglers on the creek, we opted to head somewhere else for the afternoon. Great morning fly fishing in Arizona.

Nicely done sir! Glad you were able to get out and spend some time chasing fish.
Thanks Sanders. It was a much needed trip for sure.
Ben, had a great day on the water. Good luck next weekend.
These are some really nice shots and some beautiful trout. I look forward to stopping back, feel free to stop over at my blog this summer for some east coast footage. I plan to head out armed with a camera man.
Thanks for the kind words Mike.