We bumped and bounced our way over the washboard road until we reached the creek and, after driving up a ways, found that we had the creek to ourselves. The water was a little low and gin clear with the aquatic vegetation growing thick.

Fishing has been getting tougher on this stretch of water due to the popularity and general accessibility of this stream. This creates some very spooky fish that are starting to turn very picky. Out of all of the Rim creeks this one has some of the most prolific hatches of insects that I have seen. Upon reaching the water, Blue Wing Olives were making a strong appearance and so after few missed fish on my mini-hopper, I tied on a #16 parachute Adams. A couple of small fish rose to the occasion and I managed to nab a nice 13 or 14 inch creek resident.

I continued along upstream, as Jason hiked down to fish back up. The water truly was crystal clear and I had to lengthen my leader significantly in order to not spook fish. The going was very slow as I scanned for actively feeding fish.

My efforts were not rewarded with any of the monsters who inhabit this stream, but I was able to tease a dozen or so browns to the surface. It amazes me how healthy the creek was in spite of the large amount of traffic that I know this water receives.

All in all, it was a perfect way to spend a Saturday with a good friend. The time away from the water is always too long and I am chomping at the bit to get back up there…
Beautiful fish and water.
Do you guys get the ant piles in the willows down that way? Man, they’re down-right hellish on River X (desert river as well).
Thanks Matt. We have some bigger ant piles in the desert, but nothing too near our creeks. You’re River X photos were pretty amazing. Very jealous.
Nothing like good friends, good food, good fishing, and a great day.
That is the truth Gary. Truly makes for a great day on the water.
Great shots- moving to AZ from the east coast and have been a bit anxious about what kind of fishing I can get into- this helps me breathe a bit easier! Looks like fun…
Plenty of lakes and a couple small streams to choose from Kurt. Not too many people think of Arizona for its fishing but we have some. Best of luck. Shoot me an email when you get here.