Several months ago, I was fortunate enough to be contacted by Eric Davis from Hooked Up Films who had found me through the Outdoor Blogger Network. Eric hails from Bend, Oregon and was going to be in town for the Thanksgiving weekend. While here, he hoped to sample some of the local Arizona stream fishing which has been lights out all summer and fall. A long story short, all the arrangements were made and we were zipping up the Bee-line Highway headed for the Mogollon Rim early Saturday morning. Stepping out of the truck at 8:30, we were greeted by a frosty 28º as the sun was slowly peaking over the canyon walls. With high hopes, we decided to hike downstream and work our way back up to the truck. Keeping with tradition, I stopped at one particular run on my way downstream which always holds a few nice browns. As I eased line out for my three weight, I laid the dry/dropper just on the edge of a seam and was rewarded with a hard fighting 13 inch brown. As I released the fish, I was excited to see what the rest of the day would hold and anticipated a fish-filled day ahead for my visitor and myself.

Unfortunately, the day seemed hexed from the “first fish, first hole” curse and there was a significant amount of fishing before any more catching was to be done. The fall bite seemed to be over and the cold weather and water kept fish stacked on the bottom of deep slow pools, unwilling to move for anything. As the sun started to reach the west walls of the canyon, tiny midges and BWOs brought several fish to the surface and we were able to bring a couple small fish to hand. Overall, I was disappointed with the catch rate, but any day on the water with a friend is a good day.

Eric Davis is a quality individual and really knew his way around all small stream. His website, Hooked Up Films, focuses on the diversity that Oregon’s water has to offer and really deserves a quality look-over. I look forward to making my way up to the Northwest to investigate all that it has to offer. I think the quality fishing on the Rim is mostly over for the winter, although I am sure I will head up a few more times to flog the water.

* Note: Eric has a real talent for videography and will be putting some of the footage together to showcase a small taste of what Arizona has to offer. Stay tuned for the final product due out in a few weeks. Thanks again to Eric for making the trip down and for the good time spent on the water.
Great post, keep on the water I’m sure you know this but winter fishing is touch and go. Who knows next trip you might nail it. Had a question after reading this if you don’t mind I wanted your opinion on your three weight rod. I’m kinda in the market and wanted to know what your throwing and what you think of it?
I think you are spot on Bruce. I get discouraged after having such a smoking hot summer and fall to go up and really have to fish hard and not see the same results. Rest assured, after a week or so of work, I’ll be itching to just see some water.
Glad you asked about the 3 weight. I have a TFO Finesse 7’6″. I have to be honest, it may not be the most expensive rod but it really is a work horse and I really like it. I would have no hesitation to buy another. What is nice about TFO is the lifetime warranty. With all the small stream stomping and falling I do, this rod really stands up to the stress and the drops I put it through. AZ’s small streams do not have a lot of room for back casts and this rod loves to roll cast in tight quarters. It has a very noodley feel and a very slow action. It handles long leaders very nicely (I’m usually throwing 10-12′ leaders) and it presents a dry fly beautifully. As I fished yesterday, the wind picked up and I switched to my 5 wt which I realized I haven’t picked up in months. The three weight throws dries and droppers well, but putting weighted streamers or leeches on can be a chore on something so light. I could go on and on, but the general point I am trying to get across is that I really like this rod, use it almost exclusively, and highly recommend it.
In closing, I would highly recommend going to the shop and throwing as many 3 weights as possible. But in the end, the TFO Finesse seemed the best all around deal for me. Hope this helps. Thanks again for checking out the site.
Man you are fast! Great post on a super day of fishing. I had a wonderful time and the fishing was great, even if the catching was a little slow. I will do my best to turn through the nearly 5 hours of film we shot and have a short vid up in the next week or two.
Just a thought on the 3 weight topic. I would stick to a shorter rod too. your 71/2 footer was far more nimble than my 9 foot 4 weight. Shorter is better than longer on small streams.
Thanks for the web karma!
Home Skillet (AKA: Eric)
Thanks Eric. I had a great time too, which is why I was so anxious to post about our trip. Looking forward to the footage. I can’t help but agree on your 3 weight observation. I really like the 7’6″ TFO. Talk to you soon.
What a great post. I can’t wait to see the some of the footage. Sounds like it was a blast (despite the slow fishing).
Thanks Mike. Any time fishing is good time, but meeting good guys to go fishing with is always a plus. Thanks again and tight lines.
….ummm Ben, you need to head on over to hookedup films, get an embed code for this here post. I smell blog post! Noice~ mike
Working on it now. Tried to do it this morning but couldn’t figure it out…I’m not what you would call computer savvy…
Nice post! Nice vid on Eric’s site too…beautiful country you’ve got out there Ben. I’ve got to catch up with Eric about my trip to Bend last year…
Be well.
Thanks Matt,
Eric is the man when it comes to the video equipment. He’s been after me to get up there to see Bend and I think I’m going to try and do it sometime this summer. I’ve heard it’s unbelievable.