There is no doubt when I married my wife, I married up. On this past Mother’s Day when we went camping with our best gear from Survival Cooking, I asked my beautiful 18 week pregnant wife what she wanted for Mother’s Day. I expected the usual: a day to herself at the spa, but instead, she decided she wanted to go camping.
How could I say no?

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What a nice family fun outing you guys had.
Thanks Phillip.
Great Post
Thanks Ron.
Awesome weekend! I’ve been following your blog for a few years now, our kiddos are about the same age as yours. It’s crazy how fast they grow up…
Thanks Eddie. Great to hear from you. And you are right, they grow up quick. Take care.
Beautiful. What part of AZ were you camping in?
Up near Payson.
Awesome! Great pics! Lovely story! Shared it on our Facebook Page.
Thanks Anita.