I had a really unique opportunity last night to speak to the Old Pueblo Chapter of Trout Unlimited down in Tucson. Now, as a junior high teacher, I am used to waxing eloquently on topics of history and government in front of 12 and 13 year olds, but talking to a group of adults is always a bit nerve-racking for me. The kind folks at OPCTU were very generous and polite to listen as I talked about the urban fishing opportunities in Phoenix, along with different techniques, tackle, and fly choice. I felt very welcome to be there and enjoyed chatting with different members before and after the meeting. It is always fun to talk about something that I am passionate about and even better when my audience is just as interested.
Many thanks to the Old Pueblo Chapter of Trout Unlimited and for Steve Reiter for inviting me down to Tucson and giving me such a warm welcome. I look forward to visiting again. For any of you that I met and talked to, please feel free to contact me if you are ever looking to get out for some urban fly fishing in the Valley.

Got to love TU and the work that they do to conserve our habitat.
I think I am going to try to hit some urbans this year for the first time. Jason tells me there’s nothing better than carp stink ;).
I agree Colton. If you are ever down here in Phoenix, shoot me an email. I’d love to meet up.
Good for you for spreading the word. Come to Colorado Ben.
Thanks Howard. Colorado…sounds amazing.
that patch is cool.
I thought so too. I think it’s going on my fishing pack. I think it will add a little fashion to my fishing…
Nothing like a little good fishing mojo to get the trout jumping on your line! Or maybe its just because those mini-hoppers are so buggy looking….
josh smith would tell ya it’s fishin’ not fashion.
I’ve got a limited run black diamond golden trout patch on my fleece. I’ve also got one from the black canyon of the gunnison that is seeking a home. my pack just may be it.
too bad the zan grey chapter doesn’t have a cool patch like that.
lif member of tu.
Zane Grey chap. has a very cool bronze pendant
Thanks Ben for literally giving me the shirt off your back last night at the Old Pueblo Chapter meeting of TU. I will tell you that was special and shows your heart, thanks again. Also that presentation you gave was informative it both excited me and motivated me to get up to Pyramid Lake one of these days.
Great meeting you last night. I hope that shirt brings you good luck on the water. Thanks so much for coming out last night. I hope you get a chance to fish Pyramid. Take care.