Trying to work up a little mojo for a weekend of javelina, I began fletching some new arrows. By no means do I consider myself a master of building arrows and I do little more than the finish work. When I first bought my recurve, I spent a good while reading about different arrows. The differences between woods and carbons and right wing and left wing became tedious really quickly . Upon the advice of a friend I bought the cheapest carbons I could, slapped some feathers on, and found they flew as straight as anything else I had shot. The BEMAN Bowhunters combined with weight tubes are extremely tough arrows and can withstand being blasted off of countless rocks by a poor archer. My process of cutting weight tubes, glueing nocks, sharpening broad-heads, and fletching the arrows relaxes my mind and gives me a sense that I have some control over my slight archery abilities. The finished product always brings a smile to my face and a sense of hope for hunts to come. I leave bright and early tomorrow for two more days of javelina. With any luck, I may put my new arrows to work…