With lungs burning and legs pumping I climbed up and down the hills outside of Wickenburg chasing Gambel’s from one side of the canyon to another. As luck would have it, I was able to connect on some decent birds in some really beautiful country. The draws and slopes that I stumbled through and ascended up were home to a good number of quail and I am looking forward to shouldering my grandpa’s old twenty gauge again very soon.
Most of the areas I have hunted this year have been extremely dry. The cactus are looking thirsty and most of the stock tanks and seeps that were wet and full in the years before are dried up. Anytime I have found birds, there has been some water very close by. If you have been out and had some success, swing on by the Quail Hunting Forum and share your story.

Hey! Many congrats on the book, Ben!
Thanks Erin. I’m not half as good of a writer as you or many others, but it was fun to put it together.