Ingredients –
- #18-12 curved caddis hook
- Gold bead
- 8/0 Uni thread (Brown or Black)
- Small Ultra Wire (Brown or Black)
- Green Holoshimmer tinsel thread (available at your local craft store)
- Haretron Dubbing (Brown or Black)
- India Hen soft hackle
Finding myself at home this winter with our new baby, I’ve been spending some more time at the vise and filling a few fly boxes. While working on some caddis patterns, I found myself wanting to tie something a bit flashier, and after pawing through materials I found some Holoshimmer tinsel from a while back. I give you the “Shimmy Caddis.”

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Nice tie! Love that tinsel thread, useful for so many applications in tying.
Thanks Jason. It’s fun to tie with and I’ve got more than I could ever go through in my tying career, that’s for sure.
Nice! I love the holoshimmer. I got the entire line from the manufacturer a couple years back. I spooled a bunch on old tying thread spools for use with a bobbin. That stuff can be a little challenging to work with but when you get it it turns out really well. Good looking flies.
Thanks WFF. It is tough to keep under control. A bobbin would be good. What I started using was a spool minder, that Jason (who posted already on this post) showed me how to make. They are awesome – http://www.azbythefly.com/articles/tutorials/95-spool-minders. Hope all is well up there. I enjoyed your recent video.
Great looking little pattern! I’ll have to give these a try here in TN.
Thanks David. No doubt, it’s a great pattern to have in the box. Hope all is well in TN.
Some time back while at a quilt shop with my wife, I happened on a display Madeira Machine embroidery thread. The line is called Jewel and is now marketed for fly tying. Anyway I started using it for Chironomid’s and attractor patterns and have found it to be one of the best products I have discovered in “my other favorite fly shop” Indeed this pattern is a surefire winner up here in Washington and Montana where we have several Caddis specie’s often living in the same streams in large quantities. I have found head cement or brush on superglue also effective in protecting the material from sharp teeth. Enjoy that new baby!
I like the sound of that Dan. I’ll have to check it out. Thanks for the kind words. Hope you are finding time on the water. This new baby is keeping us plenty busy, but I’ve got some trips planned. Can’t wait for her to be old enough to tag along.
I like it. Should work great if the water is a little off color with the mother’s day caddis hatch up here in Utah or Idaho.
Excellent Ryan. Let me know how it fishes for you.
It’s a funny coincidence you posted this. A guys just brought some of this stuff to our last tying night. I really like the look of the softhackles. Hadn’t thought of that.
Very cool Kevin. It’s great material and fun to tie with.