The new AZWanderings fish hats are in and they look awesome. Embroidered fish logo on the front with an Arizona flag on the side. Pick yours up in the online Arizona Wanderings Shop.

The new AZWanderings fish hats are in and they look awesome. Embroidered fish logo on the front with an Arizona flag on the side. Pick yours up in the online Arizona Wanderings Shop.
Those look sweeeet! How much? I think I need one 🙂
Thanks Colby. Right now they are $20. Follow the link in the above post to the store and pick one up. Thanks.
Look great! Can we expect a quail version?
I’d like to. I’ve got to sell these fish ones first to put a little cash up for the quail ones. What do you think. Brown or Blaze Orange?
I’ll trust your choice on color. I would buy either.
These hats are really nice. Simple and efficient, that’s what we need. Great price by the way.