I remember being introduced to the writing of Walt Prothero by a good friend and it truly changed my life. I remember waiting for the next copy of Sports Afield and would scour the table of contents page to see if Walt Prothero was being featured. Prothero writes in the most unpretentious manner that it is truly disarming, and before you know it, you feel as if you are sharing a campfire with him while he tells of his favorite hunts.
The Hunting Adventures of Me and Joe is a collection of Prothero’s “best and favorite stories” told in the “me and Joe” style writing that used to fill Field and Stream and Outdoor Life, before the “how-to” and “where-to” articles took over the major publications. All of the stories are from North America and narrate hunting deer, bear, moose, sheep, and many more. If you are an outdoorsman who appreciates the beauty and excitement of big game hunting, Walt Prothero is the author for you.
In all honestly, since I recieved this book last year for Christmas, I have read it twice and I know that it will be read over and over for years to come. Someday, I’m going to grow a gnarly beard like his too. I think it definitely adds to his credentials.
ya might rethink that gnarly beard idea. I’ve been working on an old fashioned presidential mustache. whenever it finally gets the structural sculpted form I’m after, my wife makes me trim it.
I’m not to sure what women think of gnarly beards…some must not mind given that there are so many gnarly beards out there.
Walt’s beard is legit. It’s going to take some working on my wife for her to go for the beard. Fingers crossed.