After an extremely cold night in a tent spent dreaming about extra blankets and a bed, I woke up for breakfast and coffee before the sun was up. I broke down camp and was on my way to search for the fabled Arizona brook trout as the sun was just hitting the top portion of the Rim. Since moving to Arizona, I have been under the impression that there were no brook trout in the state. From my limited knowledge and inquiring, brook trout were stocked in certain areas

many years ago by the Game and Fish and can still be in certain lakes, but finding the location of the few guarded streams that maintain reproducing brook trout has been very difficult. After many hours researching and asking questions, I happened upon a name. The name was enough and this weekend I visited that small sanctuary that held those trout. The stream was extremely small and I could stand with a foot on either side for the most part. about half way up I found a deep pool and watched my line go tight with brookie after brookie who thought my fly looked like a tasty breakfast. Most of these colorful fish were 4-6 inches, the largest was 13. This stream was the most difficult fishing that I had ever experienced with tree limbs hovering a few feet over the water and briar patches littering the banks and ripping at my waders. The end result was well worth it with a dozen or so brook trout to hand. I now believe the fables and legends of the Arizona brook trout.

very nice. I know where you were. had a nice day up there myself a few weeks ago.
It really is a gorgeous spot up there and I’m glad to hear that it was kind to you too. Thanks for stopping by and checking out the site.
Great post and blog! I’ll be checking back often… I used to catch brookies in the White Mountains on occasion but they were definitely not widely distributed. Glad you found a few on the Rim…
Thanks David. I’m always checking out and drooling over what you’re fishing in the Smokies. Thanks again for the comment.
Very nice pics. My fishing buddy and I have been chasing those elusive “AZ Brooks” for the past few years. Haven’t found them yet, but we are crossing quite a few places off the list, seeing beautiful country and having a blast as we do it. I can’t wait until I find my first one.
Very nice Mike. The journey and search is half the fun. Keep me posted on your search. Good luck and tight lines…