I found myself in Las Vegas for a good buddy’s bachelor party not long ago and amidst the turmoil of the weekend, I planned to get out and do a little fishing. My research had started a few months earlier and with the insight from some friends I found myself bouncing over a teeth-chattering, washboard road through the Nevada desert.

Fairly soon, the sage and joshua trees of the desert gave way to junipers and taller pines of the canyon. I drove over a small trickle of water that started to grow over the next few times that I crossed it. Before long I came to several large pools and rigged up the fly rod with a brown mini-hopper.

At the head of the first pool, I laid the bushy mini-hopper in the foam line and saw the splashy take of a hungry trout. I played my first Lahontan cutthrout to the bank took and cradled the fish for a quick picture.

After that first pool, I worked my way up the creek as the canyon started narrow and choke with brush. I found the small pool pictured above in which I could see several trout finning in the water. With no room for a normal cast, I used a bow and arrow cast to put a #20 sparkle parachute and was able to pull a couple trout to hand. With only a few hours to fish, I did not make it as far up the canyon as I would have liked. I turned back towards the mouth of the canyon, and once in the truck, I made my way back in to town. It really does not get much better than a fun weekend in Vegas with a little bit of small stream fishing thrown in as well.

Wow! Who would have thought? Way to seek out cutties in the desert!
I know. I love the thought of driving through the desert and finding trout…
that is some cool stuff right there. Bright lights, big city… and cutthroat trout! mjh
Thanks Mike. Good times for sure.
Very cool. Lahontans intrigue me. Do you know if this stream is within their native range?
From what I understand, I think it is right outside, but I could be wrong. I have an email out to someone who would know. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for the kind words Will.
That is awesome. If you don’t mind my asking how long was the drive from the Strip to stream?
I am actually going to be in Vegas at the end of next week, and it looks like I may have to try to talk my wife into a detour 🙂
Thanks Brian. A little under two hours outside of town.
Cool. Cutthroat trout are high on the list of fish I want to catch congratulations on the beautiful fish!
Thank you Bruce. Much appreciated. It was fun to fish in such a different environment.
very nice. fine work indeed. just out of curiosity how long did you travel?
lahontan’s range is quite aways from sin city. are you sure in your species id? certainly cuts though and pretty fish. they seem a might darker and more densely spotted than a lahontan though I’m far from an expert. just consulted the bible…
we could see if I could post img tags and post a lahontan – I’ll email ya a jpeg…
Mike. Thanks for the kind words. I was almost 2 hours outside of town. I’m 99% on the ID, mainly because someone else I know who fished it told me, and that person’s word is always spot on. I hear you on the coloring though. My thought was the different environment (as opposed to a lake) had something to do with the darker colors. The first fish pic seems the most spot on with Lahontans. Look forward to that email. Thanks Mike.
Beautiful fish, Ben, whatever their species. And you spin a good yarn, too — I’m glad that not everything that happened outside of Vegas had to stay outside of Vegas.
BTW, I love those mini hoppers — I tied a few and have had a lot of hits (and some success) on them. They make a great indicator for my nymphs, too.
Thanks GSF. Glad those minis are doing the trick for you. It is a fantastic little bug to say the least. I love the hopper/dropper rig too. Thanks again.
That is sweet! Who knew there’d be wild trout so close to Vegas? Nice work!
I know, who would have thought. Thanks for the kind words.
Great post, and I’m glad to finally see pics from your trip!
If I may respond to some of the above comments, the cutts in the post are pure-strain Lahontans, but the population is outside of the native range for the subspecies–it was introduced into the stream years ago. The fish do exhibit more profuse spotting and darker coloration because they are a stream population (as opposed to lighter hues and fewer spots in lake populations), a trend that tends to repeat itself with other cutthroat subspecies as well.
Again, I’m glad you were able to get into some of those little beauties, that stream is a little gem, especially considering the surrounding desert landscape!
Thanks Iain. I appreciate the kind words and info. Sure was a beautiful little Garden of Eden in the middle of the desert. Never can get enough of those small stream trout.
It never ceases to amaze me…the places these trout live. And that road is absolutely intriguing!
I know what you mean Erin. I had been warned about the road but didn’t think it was going to be as bumpy as it was. Luckily I was borrowing my buddy’s truck…
Beautiful. Tracking down small, often seasonal, streams often leads one to places with no water (at least in Arizona). It is nice for you to continue to share your small stream successes.
Thanks Howard. I’m glad you enjoyed the journey. There are some amazing little eco systems here in the southwest with some incredible beauty.
Damn! Lahonton cutts are at the top of my fish list! What a perfect fish too! Sigh… Ben, thanks for the shirt! You’ll be seeing it in action soon!
Thanks David. They’ve been on my list for a while too. Looking forward to seeing the shirt in the field.
Now I will need to research this location, it could add some more fun to Vegas.
It surely made the trip for me. From here on out though, I have a lot less interest in gambling…
Ben, awesome post! Loved the deer shot. It seems every time I am in a place where there are deer, it is “the right place.”
Those were some nice lil gems and not too small either! I am a fan of the ol’ mini hopper too. It’s a great small stream bug.
Thanks Greg. I appreciate the kind words.
Hi Ben. I’m emailing about your November 2011 post about the small stream outside Vegas. Great post and great pics. I’m a Vegas resident and the only guys I fly fish with live in Steamboat Springs, Co and W Yellowstone, MT. Great places no doubt but not feasible for a day trip. I have heard countless stories about waterholes with Lahontans outside town but no one I know has a location. Can you tell me where his spot is or direct me to someone who can help me. I would love to fish more locally but again, I can’t find the spots.
Thank you and keep up the great work sir.
Mark Erculei
Nice to hear from you Mark and thanks for the kind words. Check with the Nevada game and fish. Those guys should be able to steer you in the right direction. Take care and good luck.