Although I did not get drawn for my go-to unit, I bought an over-the-counter javelina tag in a unit closer to town. While quail hunting there over the past couple of years, I have kicked up a couple of herds of pigs and figured I could get lucky. I put some miles under my feet and looked at a bunch of country but could not find the pigs that I know are there somewhere. I made it back to the truck around noon and decided to check out another area a little farther out of the way. Bumping along I heard the unmistakable hissing of escaping air which also deflated my spirit. After getting the spare squared away, I figured without cell service, continuing on would not be in my best interest. So I headed back to town to get my blown tire replaced with hopes of getting back into the field a little later this week. Hopefully, I can get these pigs figured out and get lucky enough to get an arrow off before I head back to school next week.
Well, you got the bad luck out the way. The next trip has to be all good, right? I hope so!
That’s what I’m hoping for Mark. I should be able to put a couple of days in later this week. Fingers crossed.
Nothing worse than getting derailed by an unnatural occurrence. Hope you get out and find a pig later this week. Good luck!
Thanks for the luck Sanders.
Taking a peccary with bow, now thats cool.
These things were made to bowhunt for sure. My buddy and I got lucky last year and shot a double out of a herd. Check it out here http://azwanderings.com/hunting/arizona-javelina-hunt.html. It would be nice to get into another batch this season, but I have my doubts with this new unit.
I think I hunted that same unit a few years ago, because the results are strangly familar. Better luck this weekend.
Thanks Marc.
Keep after it and good luck!
Thanks Ryan. I’ll be back after them soon.