Rambling Review – Crooked Horn Outfitters Safari Sneakers

Shooting a stickbow requires a great many things like practice and patience. One of the greatest requirements for being successful while hunting with traditional archery equipment is stealth. Stalking through the desert in a pair of hard-soled boots can be a loud and crunchy ordeal when trying to get close to the prey. My hunting partner introduced me Crooked Horn Outfitters Safari Sneakers on our javelina hunt last year, and these Safari Sneakers will always be in my pack.

First impressions:
Well Constructed – The Crooked Horn Outfitters Safari Sneakers are made with a very soft fuzzy sole on the bottom and of a soft fleece upper that is ultimately tightened with a velcro. I know several hunters who have been wearing theirs for years, none the worse for wear.
Made in America – Tough to find much of anything made in America anymore, but the Safari Sneakers are built right here in U.S.A.

Field Use:
The Crooked Horn Safari Sneakers have a special place in my pack and I have used them extensively during javelina season. Slipping the Safari Sneaker on allows the hunter to move very quietly over crunching rocks and snapping twigs. The soft padded bottoms are similar to the fur padded feet of a bear or mountain line and the wideness of the pad allows for weight to be distributed. The Safari Sneakers helped me to get in real close on a couple of herds of javelina and last year I was successful at taking at pig at 13 yards. A couple of my hunting buddies swear by these booties and have closed the distance on deer and antelope alike.

One thing I noticed about the Safari Sneakers is they pick up just about everything in the desert. As annoying as this is, I don’t think that it impacts how quiet they are in any serious way. As a precautionary measure, I only where them on a stalk, and at the end of the season, I take an hour or two and try and clean them up as best as I can before storing them for the next hunting season.
I have also heard and read of other hunters using their Safari Sneakers as a layer over their boots for warmth while on stand. Although never having personally done this, I imagine if it was cold enough, these might help out a bit.
Ultra Quiet
Ultra light
Well constructed
Made in the USA
Reasonable Price
Bottoms pick up everything

Prognosis: The Crooked Horn Safari Sneakers will always have a place in my pack for those spot and stalk hunts. I love these things.
* Disclaimer:
The reviews at Arizona Wanderings are my honest opinion. The Crooked Horn Outfitter Safari Sneakers were provided to Arizona Wanderings for the purpose of this review. Arizona Wanderings is not sponsored by or associated with any of the stated companies and is accepting no compensation, monetary or otherwise, in exchange for this review. My independent status may change in the future but, as of the date of publication, no relationship other than described above has been pursued or established.
Those are awesome– Being from Nevada I’ve heard of guys using traditional native american moccasins for the stalk. As a rifle hunter I never gave it a thought until I was in a tricky situation and I ended up going shoeless– not the best.
I really like these things and they are always in my pack. Never know when you’ll need to get quiet. Pretty cheap too all things considered.