Friday – I woke at 3 AM to what sounded like a hundred coyotes right outside my tent. Although I knew I was safe, I still reached over and felt the cold steel pistol which brought me comfort. A half hour later, I shivered my way into my cold hunting clothes and drove over the washboard road to my predestined spot. Once out of the truck, I shrugged into my turkey vest, double checked to make sure I had everything and waited quietly. Before the sun came up, I heard the first gobble.
I slipped my way into the woods and set up about 150 yards from where the turkeys were gobbling. After setting up my decoy, I scraped away the noisy leaves and sat with my back against a big juniper where I would be nice and comfortable. I called periodically, occasionally glancing at my watch so as not to call too often. The sound of a softly putting turkey sneaking in behind me, caused my muscles to tighten and my breathing to quicken. The small hen walked confidently up to the decoy and stopped only a foot away, cocking her head to the side curiously. She mulled around, pecking at the ground before finally working her way silently into the forest.
The gobblers continued to sound off every time I clucked and purred on the little push-button call, but as far as I could tell, they never came closer than a hundred yards. The first morning of turkey season, and probably my best chance at bagging a tom, slipped away.
I will not bore you with the details of a very uneventful evening, wandering ridges and hammering away on a box call into the howling wind.

Saturday – I woke early on Saturday, and my friend Tom and I headed out to check out a different section of woods. Aside from some early morning gobbling, things were pretty uneventful. The crowds were out in full force and we must have seen at least a dozen other trucks and hunters throughout the day. We saw plenty of sign and even came across a well used turkey dusting area.
I spent the evening scouting some different areas trying to locate birds, but the higher winds made calling very difficult if not impossible.

Sunday – The previous two mornings had showed me that if I was going to have any success, morning was going to be the best time. Tom and I again headed out early and found some very vocal birds. I climbed the ridge they were roosting on and stalked in to about 100 yards and set up. Two gobblers gobbled their fool heads off at my calls and at nothing at all. I heard them fly down, gave one more set of calls, and shut up. Seconds passed and I expected them to come walking through the woods at any moment, but nothing, They continued to gobble about 100 yards in front of me and for the next hour and a half, I periodically switched up calls but to no avail. Finally the woods got quiet and I waited another hour for something to happen.
With the sun high in the sky, I walked up about a quarter mile to scout the rest of the ridge. I was working my way through trees when I heard a rustle to my left. I froze and slowly turned to see two red heads about 80 yards away. The one gobbler continued to walk parallel to me, and as he cleared the log, I could see his beard. After they disappeared from sight, I sat down and waited. After 15 minutes or so, I started calling again, but for the next hour, neither saw nor heard a thing.
With a pretty wife waiting at home, I cut my losses and drove back to the Valley of the Sun.
Score: Turkeys – 3, Me – 0

Turkey hunting is tough here in AZ. I’m convinced that it is about 25% skill and 75% being lucky and in the right spot. If your heading out in the near future here in AZ, my only advice is find that turkey early in the morning and try and get yourself in between him and where you think he is headed. I did not have much luck with calling anything in. If you’ve been out or had some success, I’d love to hear the story. Best of luck.

Enjoyed the story. I have a Lic/Stamp/Permit for May 16-22nd. You did everything right and were on the birds. You seem to have some great equipment too. Do you have a fall season that includes hens?
Thanks RF. It’s always fun to be in the woods. We do have a fall season that does include hens. Best of luck in your upcoming season.
No other pursuit brings quite the level of fun and frustration as turkey hunting. I too have got into birds this year, but just couldn’t get quite close enough. It is always fun to play their game though.
I hear you Mark. I love these audible hunts.
That sounds like quite an adventure. I am new to hunting and am going to try for turkey in the fall, if I can get a tag, Are there any resources for tactics & equipment out there for new Arizona turkey hunters to look at?
Thanks Ricky. This link is a good place to start.
The fall hunt is pretty tough as the birds are not very vocal. There are a couple National Wild Turkey Federation Chapters here in Arizona which is a great resource to start with.
I have always wanted to go Turkey hunting but was afraid the meat would be gamey and I wouldn’t want to shoot one if I wasn’t going to eat it. Is it gamey or are there ways to make it taste good?
As with most game meat, as long as it is handled and prepared right, it is delicious.
Like Ben said, preparation is key. A good brine and recipes and you’re good to go. Hank Shaw at honest-food.net and georgiapellegrini.com both have great advice on prepping and cooking wild turkey.
Did a bird up last week and my two kids (5 and 8) ate it up without blinking an eye.
Sounds like a fun weekend! Great breakdown of the action.
I feel your pain – calling in the wind can be one of the most frustrating things when chasing these birds.
Thanks Eric. Still nothing like being in the woods. Better than sitting behind a desk.
Great Story! Sounds like my recent trip to So.Dakota. Trying my luck here in AZ this week.
Your hunt was exactly like mine. I did call a bird in the first morning. He was probably within 80 yds of me but I could not get a glimpse of him. The wind really put a damper on calling or hearing the birds. Sunday morning I got responses to the call again but the birds did not close the distance. Lots of hiking and calling to try and locate birds with no luck. I did see a ton of elk which was awesome.