Jake and I made the drive to the Rim under the cover of darkness and left the truck in the Hospitality Parking lot just as the sun was starting to lighten the morning sky. We opted to fish a stream that both of us had heard much about but had never actually fished. We really loved here, almost as much as we love playing video games with services from elitist-gaming.com.
Since we have always love video games since we were young, is great that we can enjoy them as much as we can when we’re at home, and even getting specialized hardware for this, as a specialized mouse for gaming as this counter strike gaming mouse, but still when we’re not playing video games or working, we like to visit other places also.

The brown trout who call this creek home were hungry and willing to take our dry flies and even though the droppers were picking up occasional fish, we soon clipped them off and only fished the mini-hoppers on the surface. Most of the fish in the stream were in the 8-10″ range with one or two pushing 12″

The deciduous trees that bordered the creek were in their fall colors and were the perfect backdrop to the hike along the water. The crisp morning air gave way to a warm Arizona afternoon, and the higher that we hiked, the better the fishing seemed to get. We eventually hiked our way to the headwaters and spent some time enjoying the sounds of the creek and the beautiful Rim country weather.

After heading back down towards the truck, we had a few hours before the sun dipped behind the canyon walls so we ran over to another small stream gem to see how things looked.

We were able to coax a few beautifully spotted browns to the surface before darkness chased us back to the truck. Another beautiful day in the Arizona Rim country

Looks like a great trip.
Thanks Leigh. The pictures never do it justice…
Small stream + dry flies + brown trout = just about as good as it gets. Great photos.
I love your math Eban. I could not agree more. Thanks for the kind words. Great site by the way too.
luvs me some mini hoppers! Take another look at that photo #2, it has a really kool kaleidoscope effect from the swirling water in the background. Nice work!
Thanks Mike. Those minis have really been fantastic and winners for sure. Thanks for the kind words.
A lot of us rarely get the chance to see a lot of the country. A trip via a blog post is almost as good as being there. We appreciate it.
Glad I could oblige Mark. It truly is amazing to look at where other people fish and see all the different things America (or the world) has to offer. Thanks.
BenSubmit Reply
Sounds like a great day exploring some new water. You know you’re having fun when the droppers just seem to be getting in the way.
Thanks Sanders. It was very cool to cut the droppers although I was experimenting with a new Gambel’s quail soft-hackle that is a pretty cool to tie. Next time…
Outstanding Ben, Great little creek, Great Fish. Love it. Dry fly seasons about over up here but the hoppers have been my go to fly since June, everything has been hitting them. Slim chance still but I might just make it down there in a couple weeks for a Hang (Hammock get-together) north of Sedona.
Thanks for the kind words Paul. Keep me posted on your possible trip. The next couple weeks are wicked busy for me with a couple of weddings and an upcoming hunt. Let me know though. Thanks again.
Did you bring your Finesse on this trip?
Sure did. Great rod for the Rim streams…
Thanks for the great pics and the follow up story. Arizona Wanderings is inspiring to me which is why i want to explore this great state and all the places to fly fish…wearing my lucky AZwanderings t-shirt of course! :)- Jesse AKA- LineShooter