Labor Day weekend in Arizona can be a crazy time in the high country. It seems that everyone packs the tents and campers and head north to get out of the valley heat. Fishing on the Rim can be downright crowded and unproductive with the holiday weekend traffic so my buddy, Antonio, and I looked for other options. After weighing some of our options, we decided to head to the White Mountains and fish one of the creeks there.
The drive up through the desert and the pines took us through some of the most beautiful country in the state. The truck bounced over the last couple of washboard miles and we pulled up to one of the prettiest pieces of water. We rigged up our fly rods, and with high hopes we fished our way upstream. The water we fished was pristine and fishy, but were surprised with the very few number of fish that we saw and caught. After lunch and a long break we hit the water again and with the benefit of a clouding sky, we caught a few fish. Antonio caught a beautiful colored brown that posed for the picture below.
Labor Day Weekend signals the beginning of the end of summer. It brings with it the hope of cooler temperatures and a reminder to get out the shotgun and start thinking about hunting birds. A day in the mountains exploring a new creek with a buddy was a great way to spend the holiday. I’m looking forward to heading back and putting some more time on this water.

You know, I’ve never really thought of a AZ as a fly fishing destination. I guess I think of elk and quail as my first impression. Looking at the quality of fish though, I may need to put it the destination hit list.
Glad to know that I’ve changed your mind about Arizona, Gary. Whenever you make it down this way, shoot me an email and we’ll get hooked up.
Absolutely beautiful! I never knew Arizona had such beautiful looking trout country.
Thanks Howard. Arizona is blessed to have a couple of jewels like these. Thanks for the kind words.
I can relate to the “party” that goes on at the stream of our choice over a long holiday weekend. Looks like you and your friend made a good choice and still enjoyed some pristine country. Nice fish!
Thanks Mel. Tough to fight the crowds on these holiday weekends, but if you’re lucky enough to find some creek far enough off the beaten track, it can be nice.
Another inspiring trip report Ben. Your photos bring every word to life. Beautiful fish. Now let’s go dove hunting.
Thanks so much Doug. I need to get out after some birds. My swing is going to be a bit rusty. Looking forward to getting out.
Great report, finely written as usual, nice fish, and glad to see you got out and fished some gorgeous country this weekend. I think I may have fished that stream myself a couple years back–if so, it is a gem, and really worth revisiting in the fall…
I know what you mean about the cooler temperatures, I can almost feel fall around the corner, and I am looking forward to chasing after some browns under autumn foliage soon!
Looks like that bow has apache blood, or that apache has one rainbow blood? Peculiar specimine, but what a fantastic fish!
David, that’s what we thought too. He definitely had the rainbow red markings, but other than that he did have an Apache look to him. Thanks for the kind words.
Ben- Did you happen to see any blue grouse in your travels through the white mountains? I’m hoping to make it up there in the next couple of weeks.
I did not, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t there. I did see more bear crap and tracks on this creek than in any other place I’ve been in Arizona. That was pretty cool and made me a bit leary.
Nice write up as usual, and great pictures! Antonio’s brown is gorgeous. That stream looks familiar. If I am right it is on the Rez. We need to hit a stream one day Ben.
Thanks Colton, I appreciate the kind words. By the way, I put the deer and antelope hair in the mail for your today. Enjoy.
Nice report and I enjoyed the pics!
Beautiful waters and great pics. Pretty good sized bear track. It would have made me nervous!
Thanks Pam. Bears are always a bit unpredictable, but when the fishing is good…
I am moving to Pinetop at the end of August/13,I love to fly fish,I don’t know a soul up there,but would like to find a good fishing buddy asap!
202 716 8300