My wife and I took our annual pilgrimage to the East Coast to see my family. The week was spent at my Grandma’s cottage in Bradford County where swimming, fishing, and card games are standard for a 4th of July week. I brought my 5 wt. Stowaway rod and a small box of flies so that I could chase the bass and bluegill that call the lake home, but surprisingly my wife, asked if she could have a turn. Once I gave her the fly rod, I never saw it again. She fished more than I did and by the end of the week, was delivering casts with some serious accuracy. My cousins also spent some time casting around and did pretty good as well.
There is something special about this lake. I spent a good chunk of my childhood fishing and jumping off the end of that dock. As the years go on, I look forward to sharing that place with my own kids.

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Wonderful pictures sir! I am sure you all had a nice family time and we should all consider taking some time to hunt or go out fishing. We should all spend more time in the nature.
Thanks Peter.
Those bugs look like hex’s. Ever go out and night and fish a hex hatch? It’s quite an experience fishing freaky big bugs in the dark!