Saturday was a short day trip back to our honey hole that seems to be teaming with javelina. We arrived before first light and spent the morning glassing sunny slopes with Austin’s dad without any luck. We were back at it in the afternoon and a large herd of pigs were spotted on an upper hillside. With light fleeting quickly, gear was securred and we hoofed it to where we thought the pigs were going to be. The herd was moving much quicker than the hunters and we found ourselves slightly out of position. In the end, Austin was able to connect with a good size male javelina and as darkness fell, we headed towards the truck after a successful hunt. I still have Saturday and Sunday next weekend to try and put something together. Part 3 still to come…

That’s an awesome picture. Did you ever get yourself a digital camera?
I did not. I am very sneaky (not enough to stick a javelina) and steal Michelle’s.