2013 is turning out to be quite a year for me personally.
- I am turning 30
- I am changing careers
- My wife and I are expecting our first child
I live a very full and blessed life, and up to this point it has afforded me the opportunity to hunt and fish at every waking moment. My beautiful and understanding wife know me well enough that when I start getting cantankerous in the valley, she kicks me out of the house and into the mountains for some fishing.
When we found out a couple of months ago that we have a little one on the way, all the fear and reservations that I had been feeling about starting a family simply melted away into unbridled bliss. It is an unbelievable thing to think about bringing a little person into this world, but my heart could not be more full of joy.
This last year was also my last year of teaching. Although my passion and love for working with kids will never go away, the thought of raising a family on a teacher’s salary and dealing with the deteriorating Arizona educational system was more than I could bear. At the end of July, I will be moving into my new job that will hopefully provide some new opportunities and a change of scenery.
I am excited to life is going to bring next. Here’s to passing my fly fishing addiction on to the next generation.

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Dude!!!! So excited for you guys!!! Things will be different but good different. Maybe we should hit up a stream soon….you know….so we can talk about parenting and stuff. 😉
Congrats Ben and best wishes to you and your wife!
Congrats Ben. Wishing you the best for you and your family.
Congratulations, Ben! Fatherhood is the best gift I’ve ever received.
A classic understatement if I ever heard one. I hope you have a good sense of humor about things that make noises in the night and green slick stuff that smells bad…….and that sprayer in the sink that has multiple uses for fathers…. as Red Green would say “I pullin for ya, we’re all in this together” or was that…. Duct tape the handymans secret weapon ” If the women dont find you hansome, at least you’ll be handy”? They grow up fast and you’ll be great at it.
Best wishes to you and your wife! I imagine it will be your greatest joy to introduce your child to the outdoors and nature’s grandeur.
CONGRATS Guys! Having a child is a very exciting time, so much so quickly, you wish it could all slow down.
You’re gonna make an excellent dad!
Ben, Awesome news and you guys will love every minute. I have enjoyed my son and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Congrats. What are you going to be doing now that you are not teaching? When is the new baby supposed to arrive? Kids are fun, I enjoy taking my girl out fishing, and to the fly fishing club. KIds grow very quick. Hope you enjoy fatherhood as much as I do.
Congrats Ben! You’re going to make a great Dad, and have a ton o fun in the process. Best wishes to the Mrs! M
Congrats Ben. Sounds like you have some wonderful things happening in your life, and you will have a fishing partner for life.
Exciting changes for you and your wife. I can’t wait to see your first grip and grin picture.
Congrats! I went through almost the same exact transition you are going through at almost the exact same time in my life. I was 31, and a serious ski bum, when my oldest came into our lives. Now I’ve got two of the little buggers, and they are a blast. You’ve got the right attitude–it’s all about the next generation, showing them the joys of the great outdoors.
Awesome dude. I am sure the kid will be out fishing you before you know it!
Thats awesome Ben! Congrats! Looking forward to posts of the little one fly fishing!
Congrats! It’s good that you have been hunting and fishing every waking minute that you can. They say time is wasted on the young, I say time is wasted on those without kids. No reason you can’t still get after it with kids, sometime with them, sometimes not. It’s a grand adventure!
Congratulations Ben, I’m thinking you’ll be a fine daddy.
Congrats Ben. That is awesome news! You will enjoy it every moment….well, almost every moment of it! There is nothing like fishing wit your own kids.
Ben – Congratulations to you and your wife. Best of luck on your new career venture.
Congratulations, Ben! Great news.
Thanks guys. Looking forward to this next chapter in my life.
Congratulations to you and your wife for all your news. And happy birthday, too.