As you have probably figured out at this point, Arizona Wanderings has had a facelift and a rejuvenation of spirit. After much poking and prodding from friends and readers and with the help of my brother at JSumnerdesigns.com, we are soft-launching the new and improved AZWanderings. Aside from the site being cleaner and much more attractive there are some new additions that are in place with more to come. The newest addition that is currently in place is the Gear Review page. There I will be reviewing different pieces of equipment or clothing that I own and use on a regular basis.
In the coming months I also hope to be offering a small selection of flies for sale (surprisingly, some people have showed interest) as well as the usual promo gear (t-shirts, stickers, and other stuff you really probably don’t need). A couple of other projects are also in the works, but my plan is to keep my few readers in suspense until the unveiling is a little bit closer.
At the end of the day, this whole experience is a little bit surreal. This started as a simple outdoor journal to keep my family informed that I was still alive and it has morphed into a positive outlet for my outdoor passions in between my weekend wanderings. I am always open to new ideas and additions to the site and value my few followers insights. If you have anything you would like to see added to or focused on in this blog, feel free to drop me a line. Here’s to another year of wandering around Arizona.
Ben, the new website looks great! Congrats. Will be updating my bookmarks today.
Wow Mike, that was fast. I was just getting ready to go through my list and let everyone know. Thanks for your support and kind words.
Love the new site, keep up the great work. And stay warm, it’s freezing today. Good day to be tying flies.
Thanks Brandon,
I know about the cold. That rain yesterday really screwed my plans for hunting and fishing. I think you’re right though…back to the vice. Thanks again.
whew, sweet place you got here Ben! you got anything cold? mind if I sit a bit? a guy could get used to this place, ya know? Heard you were out on Oak Creek lately, so what were they bitin’ on again?
Looking forward to the new digs my friend! mike
The fridge is full, help yourself. Glad you like the layout of the new site. Before our monstrous snow storm the fish were all over the simi-seal buggers stripped real fast, but I also was throwing hopper droppers and parachute adams. The parachute landed me a monster. You thinking of heading back? Thanks again for the kind words.
Hey Ben,
The new site is great. My wife who is follows a lot of blogs and does a lot of blogging herself was very impressed when I showed her. Now that the holidays are about over and all I’m doing is looking for a job I’ll be spending a lot of time with my own blog. Thanks for sharing and I’m looking forward to reading about the next big adventure!
Thanks Bruce. I really have to give credit to my brother Joel. His hard work really made what you see possible. I’m a real idiot when it comes to new code. Tell your wife thank you and thanks for the support.
New blog looks nice and clean! Nothing like a change and a fresh’n up for the New Year. Thanks for keeping us posted with your adventures in life mate!
Cheers from Down Under.
Thanks Rohan. The new site does a nice job of starting out my new year. I’ll keep you posted.
Hey Ben, the new site is looking great! I just updated your address. I’m looking forward to the New Year and what you might have in store for 2011. Have a safe and Happy New Year!
Let me rephrase that last sentence. Have a Fishy New Year!
Same to you Benny. I appreciate your support and a happy new year to you. Thanks again.
Thanks Adam. In my eyes you’re kind of like the godfather of all things internet/Arizona/fly fishing. Thanks for chiming in.
We should meet in the Whites this summer…
Anytime. Stay in touch…
What a great looking blog!
I found your site via the Outdoor Blogger Network and am looking forward to see what you have in store for 2011!
Thanks Kari. The OBN is such a great idea and I look forward to bringing great new content this next year. Great looking site yourself. Can’t wait to do some more reading on it. Thanks again and happy new year.
Very nice Ben!
Thanks Bill. Glad you like it.
The site looks great, keep up the good work. It is always a pleasure to read your posts; you have a good way of conveying the beauty and wonder of wild places, through the lens of an angler and hunter. I look forward to reading more in the upcoming year.
Tight lines, Iain
P.S. Great job on Oak Creek recently, that last Brown was a beautiful fish!
Thanks Iain. It means a great deal hearing a fellow Arizonian and fly fisherman say that. Thank you for the kind words and have a great year yourself on the water.
This is a beautiful site and your writing is great.
Thanks Ragu. That was quite a buck you shot. Nice work again. Thanks for stopping by.
The website looks great! The picture look crisp against the background. You gotta love a good camera when you have such awesome scenery to capture.
Good luck with your site!
Thanks Grizz,
It’s been good fun changing things over to this new site. I really have my brother who is the real computer wiz to thank. The good camera does help. Thanks again for the kind words.