Arizona Wanderings

Arizona Quail Hunting (or this is going to be a long season)


Little puffs of dust rose from every footstep. With the light just cresting the surrounding hills, the desert was eerily silent. The smell of mesquite hung in the air as I shrugged into my hunting vest, and I spot checked to make sure I had the necessities for a few hours in the desert. With the truck […]

Camping in Arizona


I had a nice change of pace this weekend and was able to head to the high country with my wife Michelle and our good friends Dan and Kera. We camped for the night in one of my favorite spots and enjoyed the cool September night with campfire food. The next morning after laying around […]

Arizona Quail Season: T-shirt Sale


The Arizona Quail Season Opener is upon us. In excitement of such a glorious event, the “I Quail AZ” tshirts are on sale for $15 in the AZWanderings Shop. Arizona quail hunting will open for Gambels and Scaled Quail from October 5, 2012- February 10, 2013. Mearns quail season opens up on December 7 and […]

Arizona Fly Fishing: Scouting


We sped up to the White Mountains on Friday evening and enjoyed a small campfire before heading to bed. The elk bugling woke us at first light and after a bit of breakfast, we headed down the road to the wash. We bailed into the trail-less canyon and walked several miles to the point of […]

Arizona Fly Fishing – Mogollon Rim


It still is difficult for friends, and especially my wife, to fully grasp the reasons that I get up so early on Saturday mornings to hike my way back into some creek on the off chance I will have a shot at a nice fish. Luckily, I have fishing friends who have the same compulsions […]

Book Report: Bows on the Little Delta


The Bows on the Little Delta by Glenn St. Charles is arguably one of my favorite collection of hunting stories. The book chronicles the hunting trips of Glenn and his hunting partners Dick Bolding, Keith Clemmons, Fred Bear, and others as they explore hunting in Alaska with traditional archery equipment in the late 50s and […]

Tying Flies


It was a slow weekend here at the Smith household and I enjoyed the opportunity to sit and replenish some of the empty spots in my fly boxes. I picked up a really nice Wheatley Box as a souvenir while I was fishing in France and it sits patiently while I try to figure what to fill […]

Old Pueblo Chapter of Trout Unlimited


I had a really unique opportunity last night to speak to the Old Pueblo Chapter of Trout Unlimited down in Tucson. Now, as a junior high teacher, I am used to waxing eloquently on topics of history and government in front of 12 and 13 year olds, but talking to a group of adults is […]