Our mid-morning change of plans put us on to a different part of the same creek. From the ponderosa pine, drop and plunge water, we entered a completely different world of steep canyon walls and deep pools.

The rainbows we were catching here were equally as beautiful as the ones above.

I switched over to the streamer as we fished these deep pools and fish started to come out to play. As the sun climbed higher into the sky, the fishing slowed considerably, but heavy streamers and patience payed off.

We continued to work the stream back up towards the truck and encountered several of the slot canyons that this creek meanders through. We had two options. One, we could hike around and skip about a half mile of productive untouched water. Two, suck it up and go for a swim.

The swim was cold but refreshing and gave us an opportunity to test out Antonio’s Patagonia dry pack. The water we were able to access was beautiful and several small fish came to hand. We were both slightly disappointed that nothing of size could be found. The water was slightly off color and not its normal crystal clear quality. Overall, the swim was completely worth the view.

Above the canyon we fished till we found more pocket water which gave me a reason to go back to the mini-hopper. The sun started to make its way towards the canyon walls and the creek came alive with bugs and fish coming to the surface.

The mini-hopper reigned supreme and got pounded by fish after fish who were feeding greedily on anything floating by.

The truck was a welcome sight and with a couple of dry t-shirts and a cup of camp coffee, we were feeling pretty good. Bouncing our way over the backcountry washboard road we made our way into town for the standard Mexican food/Dairy Queen fan fare which always leaves me smiling but uncomfortably full. I will never learn. It was a beautiful day in Arizona.