Arizona Wanderings

San Juan River: Day 2


I slept well after the long drive and few hours of fishing the day before, but I woke to the sound of a rumbling stomach that could only be satisfied by a hot breakfast. Breakfast is one of the most crucial meals of the day for me and trying to create an honorable meal in […]

San Juan River: Day 1


The sun crested the mountaintops as my trucked roared northward on the I-17 towards Flagstaff. Through the bug splattered windshield I could see the desert around me change as I climbed in altitude until the desert was swallowed up by the tall ponderosa pines. I made the turn onto I-40 heading east to the New […]

The Indicator vs. the Hopper/Dropper


Indicator vs. the Hopper I have always been told to never say never, so I will say instead that I rarely use an indicator when fly fishing small streams. Two main reasons keep me from threading my line through a bobber or a polypropylene indicator and neither of them are because I am an elitist. […]

Fly boxes: A journey, a couple reviews, and a simple how-to


When I first happened upon the fly fishing scene, I read every book, watched every YouTube, and listened to every podcast. I wanted to know everything and have exactly the right gear for what I was going to do.  An intricate part of the fly fishing get-up is the fly box. The fly box can […]

Fly Fishing Arizona & Greenfish…


After writing a piece on fly fishing Arizona and the sustainability of wild trout populations, I was surprised by the great response that the article received. “Kudos” and “right ons” filled my email and comment box and I was glad to put into words how many people feel about wild fisheries. I appreciate the support […]