Arizona Wanderings

Fly Fishing Oregon – The Deschutes River (Day 3)


Breakfast was made and coffee perked while we broke camp and repacked the boat. We again were an hour or two ahead of most other anglers and had our pick of prime water. The morning was spent picking through the riffle water and pulling redsides to the net. The big river fishing took some getting […]

Fly Fishing Oregon – The Deschutes River (Day 2)


We woke with the sun and decided to hit the same banks and eddies that had produced so well the night before. We picked up a couple of small fish before heading back to camp for scrambled eggs, sausage, and leftover potatoes. All mixed together with a pot of black coffee, we were fueled up […]

Fly Fishing Oregon: The Deschutes River (Day 1)


Deschutes River – Day 1 Anticipation has been running high for the past two or three months as I made gear lists, tied flies, and waited impatiently for June to arrive.  My good friend Eric of Hooked Up Films lives in Bend, Oregon where the Deschutes River runs cold and boasts large redsides and miles […]

Back from the Northwest…


Just landed back in the smoldering Arizona desert after a little over two weeks in the Northwest of the United States. I was in Bend Oregon fishing the Deschutes and Crooked Rivers for a week and then bumped up to Anchorage to meet up with my wife and in-laws for a land/sea cruise through Alaska […]

Rambling Review – Garmin Etrex H GPS Unit


Rambling Review – Garmin Etrex H GPS Unit Why: In short, I don’t like getting lost. When I moved to Arizona the new big country was very daunting and I always had a sick feeling in my stomach as I watched the truck get smaller and smaller the farther I walk away.  Specifically, quail hunting […]

How To Fletch Your Own Arrows…


Someone was digging through the archives and asking questions about fletching arrows and the difficulty involved in the process, as well as some needed tools. This is a simple “how to fletch your own arrows” tutorial. I shoot a traditional recurve bow off the shelf, so therefore use feather fletchings on a carbon arrow. Now, […]

Rambling Review – Orvis Battenkill Bar Stock II Reel


Rambling Review – Orvis Battenkill Bar Stock II Reel Why: When I have the free Saturday to head where I want to, I point the truck towards the small streams that run cold and clear from the Mogollon Rim. This water is perfect for my TFO Finesse 3 weight and its delicate presentation. When I […]

Fly Tying: The Simi Seal Bugger


Aside from being my go to streamer for the deep pools or swollen flows of the trout creeks, I have been having quite a bit of success in the urban ponds throwing green Simi Seal Buggers. John Rohmer originally started tying the Simi Seal Leech and his recipe can be found here. The Bugger is […]